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    GL365 Radio Pointing Souls To Christ

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    The Gospel Joy Morning Show with Dr. D. Roy | 3-10-2025

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    Sound Culture with DJ Kwame | 3-8-2025

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    Fyah Friday with Dr. D. Roy | 3-7-2025

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    Prayze Effect with Dr. D. Roy | 3-6-2025

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    Royal Gospel Hits with Pastor Rob C | 3-6-2025

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    Live Interview with Michelle Gordon on Reggae UnInterrupted | 3-4-2025

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    Perpetual Wednesday Worship with Dr. D. Roy | 3-5-2025

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    Reggae UnInterrupted with Dr. D. Roy | 3-4-2025

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    Pure Gospel Spot with The Lion King | 3-4-2025

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    Colorful Praise Expression with Gawain "Garnet" Gibson | 3-3-2025

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    Live Interview with Dr. Courtney Faulknor - Talk About It Ltd, Founder and Chairman | 3-3-2025 Dr. D. Roy Bramwell

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    The Gospel Joy Morning Show with Dr. D. Roy | 3-3-2025 Dr. D. Roy Bramwell

A Word with Dr. D. Roy


Today’s verse from 2 Timothy 1:5-7 (NLT) is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and the spiritual gifts God has given us:

Verse of the Day

I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:5-7 NLT


For those blessed to have it, one of the most important contributing factors in preparing us for our special call in life is a Godly heritage of faith. Timothy was blessed to have that. The faith of his grandmother and mother was passed down to him. No doubt one of the reasons why faith was strong in him was due to this heritage.

Since Timothy had this Godly heritage of faith, Paul believed he could encourage him to “fan into flames” the spiritual gift he received when Paul had laid hands on him. Paul believed that Timothy had the faith necessary to put his gift into operation.

There is always the temptation to allow a measure of fear and timidity to enter the picture when we activate our spiritual gifts. Putting them into action leads to the expansion of the Kingdom of God and does damage to the enemy’s kingdom. There is always the possibility of opposition, as a result. The temptation is to shrink back in fear and timidity from opposition and allow our gifts to lie fallow.

Paul will have none of that. Fear and timidity are not from God. Indeed, they are from the enemy. God gives a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. That is, the power necessary to use our gifts, the love necessary to reflect Christ in the use of our gifts, and the self-discipline necessary to utilize our gifts in appropriate ways, times, and places.

Today, like most every day, the opportunity lies before us to “fan into flames” the spiritual gifts God has given us. Let us not allow fear and timidity sent from the enemy to stop what God wants to do through us.

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